Empowering young minds through physical, intellectual, emotional, social & spiritual development
The Untouchables participate in activities intended to expose our youth to a diversity of experiences. Volunteering in the community, cultural outings, overnight trips, sleepovers and trips to ball games are just some of the ways in which our program encourages the young men to be physically involved and engaged in life.

Technology has made tremendous progress over the past decades. The advancement of technology has also created crutches that sometimes hinder the need for critical thinking and problem solving skills to be used. The Untouchables believe in the need to stay sharp mentally and use a combination of approaches to keep our young men challenged and stimulated intellectually.

Every Thursday, the Untouchables meet to take time to find out what's on our youth's mind. Our meetings open with positive occurrences followed by discussions involving current events and problems or concerns that a member may have during that week. This experience allows us to engage and address areas that may be a challenge in their lives. Through healthy dialogue, correction, encouragement and brotherly love we strive to help our youth become strong and live emotionally stable lives.

One of the goals being promoted by the Untouchables is the importance of developing good social skills. Built in to the message of having good social skills is the encouragement of getting involved in the community and having an awareness of social issues. To help our youth develop strong social skill they are tasked with participating in programs such as "Christmas in April" and volunteering at our annual Thanksgiving give-away where they help serve seniors & low income families in need.

Since 1988 we have constantly reinforced to our youth that God sits at the head of the Untouchables table. This is supported by our communication in and out of the meetings, prayers, and our group attendance at local churches in the area. At the very foundation of what we believe and teach our young men is the need to have a strong, sound spiritual foundation.